Visualize Your Data

Edit the look and feel of your chart


Step 1

Click the “edit” button when you hover over a chart/table in your deck


Step 2 - Customize your chart properties

  1. You are able to amend the Title, Subtitle & Footer to display the text you want
  2. You can set the Min and Max values of the Y-axis
  3. You can amend your display options

Step 3 - Customize your chart categories (Single variable chart)

  1. You can toggle on and off which Axis categories you want to display
  2. You can rename category elements
  3. You can click here to sort your data either high to low or low to high
  4. Alternatively you can manually reorder your categories

Step 3 - Customize your chart categories (Cross variable chart)

  1. You can toggle on and off which Axis categories you want to display
  2. You can rename Axis categories
  3. You can manually reorder your Axis categories
  4. Steps 3a-3c can be repeated for the Legend categories

Step 4 - Customize your chart colors

  1. If provided, your designated color palette will be assigned by default
  2. You can apply any pre-built color palette by clicking on “Apply color palette”
  3. You can click on any category and adjust the color manually

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Please contact your Data Visualization specialist today or provide a brief description below on how we can help